2nd All India Innovation Challenge - 2023
About AIIC
All India Innovation Challenge is a facilitator program for students of speech and hearing in innovation related to the field. It comprises of pitch presentation of ideas and subject matter experts and industry partner mentorship for taking forward the innovation beyond the idea. Current call is AIIC 2023.
AIIC fellowship award of INR 10,000 for the winner of the challenge
Interaction with subject matter experts
Interaction with industry partners for mentorship and collaboration
Students of Speech and Hearing
Addressing the areas of swallowing, hearing, speech, language, cognition, or communication disorders
Innovation at the stage of Idea or beyond
The last date to apply is 15/02/2023 before 05:30 pm. Click here to submit your idea.
Click here to download the format of a pitch deck to be submitted. The file should be in either ppt or pdf format.

AIIC 2022: Applicants - 8
Winner: Mr. Vivek Kumar, BVP, Pune